Welcome to the parents nest.We help parents transition into parenthood through education, support and community.

About the parents nest

The parents nest is here for mums and partners to support and nurture them on their journey towards birth and parenthood.

We have personally helped 100’s of couples gain confidence and knowledge through our education programs, which has contributed to their positive birth experiences.

Research has identified that 88% of mothers felt confident about their birth after attending the calmbirth course, whilst over 90% of mothers felt supportive during their birth experience.

Our Approach

We are all about providing you with relevant information and education to empower you to make the best choices for you in a loving and supportive environment.

We believe that by providing you with this information, you will gain greater confidence and connection to self and your partner as you transition into parenthood.

What to Expect

Our courses are here to educate, inspire and bring awareness to birth, parenthood and you as a person.

We understand you may have some fears of the unknown. So, our courses are designed to give you the tools and strategies you will need, to gain the confidence for this chapter in your life.

Meet yourtrainer


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